Locations and Maps
Safety Training Solutions: Locations & Maps
Our main office is located in London, Ontario, just North of the 401 highway, just east of Wellington Road.
{mosmap width='400'|height='250'|lat='42.929379'|lon='-81.212788'|zoom='12'|zoomType='Large'|zoomNew='0'|mapType='Map'|showMaptype='0'|overview='0'|text='Safety Training Solutions<br>75 Bessemer Road'|lang=''|align='right'} |
Safety Training Solutions 75 Bessemer Road London, Ontario N6E 1P9 |
FROM EAST OF LONDON: | Take 401 to the exit for Wellington Road. Stay to the right as take the exit. At the end of the offramp, turn right at the Holiday Inn (Bessemer Road). Safety Training Solutions is on right hand side, 3 building from the Holiday Inn. |
FROM WEST OF LONDON: | Take 401 to Wellington Road Exit At Exit, take left turn (North) over the overpass Turn right at Exeter Road (first lights, Ramada Inn) Take first left at Bessemer Road (Holiday Inn on corner) Safety Training Solutions is on right hand side, 3 building from the Holiday Inn. |